The museums of Québec just one a click away!
Explore the virtual museums and share your favourite experiences #MuseumFromHome #museumsQc
Galerie de l'UQAM
150 Years - 150 Works: Canadian Art as Historical Act - Revisiting history with 150 landmark artworks
Plains of Abraham Museum
1759: From the Warpath to the Plains of Abraham - Relive the Battle of the Plains of Abraham from four different viewpoints: French, British, Canadian and First Nations
Château Ramezay – Historic Site and Museum of Montréal
1812: Objects to discover - Explore the 1812 war through 3 web capsules featuring unique items of the Château’s collection
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
350 Years of Art Practice in Québec - Take a fresh look at Quebec's art history
Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex
Take a 360° virtual tour of the Pointe-à-Callière museum and explore some of its permanent exhibitions!
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything - A new, virtual exhibition, whose sensory, immersive selection of works explore contemporary art through the vibrant lens of Leonard Cohen’s creative universe.
MNS2 - Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke
Browse the museum's storage and discover its extensive collections of objects and specimens
Musée d'archéologie de Roussillon
Lead the investigation to find our archaeologist and discover the museum's collection and the heritage of La Prairie, with the game Archeo Escape!
Centre d'histoire Sir-William-Price
Arvida, City of aluminum - Relive the creation of Arvida in 135 days...
Museums at school
Live from your classroom, offer the Universe to your students!
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Building New Lives - Discover the oral history videos of 20 Holocaust survivors who arrived in Canada before, during, and after WW2
Canadian Museum of History
Experience Canada's history in exciting new ways with this virtual visit of the Canadian History Hall!
Musée des ondes Emile Berliner
Web content on the history of Canadian broadcasting with exhibits, and more...
Museums at school
Welcome, in person or virtually, a counsellor who will introduce your students to space sciences!
Musée Beaulne
Created in Coaticook - Explore the fascinating history of the creativity and inventiveness of the citizens of Coaticook!
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Series of creative challenges using ordinary items you can find at home, in a few simple steps!
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
FLUX - David Altmejd - Revisit artworks from the exhibition through a selection of images and audio commentaries
Museums at school
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Does your class have a project in mind? We offer support and supervision, as well as the resources you need to make it.
Museums at school
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
EducArt : educational resources to help your students discover the museum's collections
Musée de la mémoire vivante
Eel Fising in the Côte-du-Sud Region - An ancestral practice passed down from generation to generation!
Reford Gardens
Elsie, in her own words - A portrait of the creator of the Reford Gardens through her prolific correspondence
Musée POP
Escape room - Between bars - Challenge your teens to solve this virtual family escape game!
Musée du Fjord
Fantastic Sea Monsters - Uncover the secrets of spectacular marine animals, as legendary as they are enigmatic
Abenaki Museum
Fort Odanak - When archelogists reveal the secrets of an 18th century fortified village
Reford Gardens
Butlers, chambermaids, footmen - follow their adventures at the Reford Gardens.
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Test your knowledge of biomimicry through a car racing adventure with the game Gear Up for Nature!
Musée minéralogique de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Gold Rush: Stories of Big Mines and a Little Town Named Malartic - Stories about the construction and the development of this small mining municipality
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Holocaust Life Stories - The realities of the Shoah in words and pictures
MNS2 - Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke
Hummingbirds - Spotlight on the famous little bird known as "America's flying jewel"
Musée du Haut-Richelieu
Ice Storm 1998 - An immersion in the black and the cold!
Électrium, Hydro-Québec's Electricity Interpretation Centre
Icy January - a chronological account of the great ice storm of 1998
Argenteuil Regional Museum
In the footsteps of Maude Abbott (1869-1940) - Discover the unique journey of a pioneer in the practice of medicine in Québec, Maude Abbott, from St. Andrews, Quebec
Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional Museum
In the Steeple's Shadows - Do you know why their presence is so marked in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges landscape?
Museums at school
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Learn how to make 3D drawings on a computer and bring them to life using a 3D printer using Tinkercad software.
Museums at school
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Learn how to create drawings that can be cut out by our laser cutter with Inkscape software.
Le Monastère des Augustines
L'Esprit du lieu is a contemplative video experience to slow down and soak up the unique atmosphere at Le Monastère des Augustines.
Canadian Museum of History
Learn more about the objects in the collection!
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Learn to invent - Perfect educational video capsules to entertain your ingenious little ones!
Fondation Phi pour l’art contemporain
Lee Bae: Union - This exhibition brings together more than forty works by Lee Bae exploring a diversity of approaches
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
MACrépertoire – A diverse source of information on the MAC’s collections, artists, events and publications since its founding in 1964. This evolving research tool provides the public with a rich collection of works and resources related to the MAC’s collections and cultural programming.
Maison Alphonse-Desjardins
Visit the Maison Alphonse-Desjardins and immerse yourself into the daily lives of the founders of the Desjardins Group
Aquarium du Québec
Browse the MediaGuide to learn more about marine animals or to plan your visit at the Aquarium!
Armand-Frappier Museum
Discover microorganisms, explore a research lab and learn more about Dr. Frappier!
Montréal Science Centre
A highly mutagenic virus called "Morbus Delirium" propagates with stunning speed... Can you stop the epidemic?
Canadian Museum of History
Morning Star - A monumental artwork by Indigenous artist Alex Janvier, to be admired up close under the museum's dome!
McCord Stewart Museum
Visit Montreal differently: 150 of the city's landmarks resituated in another era with Urban Circuits!
Canadian Museum of History
Museum at home - A host of activities, games and virtual experiences for the whole family
Navigating the St. Lawrence - quite the challenge! Discover the innovations that helped tame this unpredictable giant
Musée de la civilisation
Search and explore the Musée de la civilization's Collections: over a quarter of a million objects!
McCord Stewart Museum
The site presents content on the social history and heritage of Montreal, Quebec, and Canada.
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Immerse yourself into the virtual world of the MAC with Intranarration and Leonard Cohen.
Musée du Fjord
Reconstruct the Quebec's French-Canadian genealogies through the interactive game L'Origo!
Musée des beaux-arts de Mont-Saint-Hilaire
Ozias Leduc, an artist between heaven and earth - Inspired by his environment, Ozias Leduc is a prolific artist and a prominent figure in Quebec art.
Écomusée du fier monde
Explore the Centre-Sud through the heritage elements that have marked and still mark the urban landscape.
Museums at school
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Design and manipulate a 4-wheeled vehicle. Validate your hypotheses by running road tests!
Maison Alphonse-Desjardins
POP-SAC-À the footsteps of a movement - Come discover Desjardins Group's vibrant history by visiting our exhibit
Musée d'art de Joliette
Quarantined Museum - The creativity of the entire community is at the heart of this virtual space. Be part of our monthly online exhibitions.
Museums at school
Ecomuseum Zoo
Québec's biodiversity, a world to discover! - With our zoologist live in your classrooms, discover Québec's wildlife and all its secrets!
Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex
The Montreal of yesterday and today is unveiled with Émilie Bibeau in the Raconter Montréal podcast series
MUSO – Musée de société des Deux-Rives
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, At the Heart of Industrial History in Canada
Montréal Science Centre
ScienceXpress - Scientific experiments and amazing crafts to replicate at home!
Museums at school
Museum of Ingenuity J. Armand Bombardier
Learn programming with Scratch through a number of short challenges and create your first computer game.
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal
Beyond disseminating the collection, this selection of works reflects diverse forms of artistic expression
Paspébiac National Historic Site
In the 19th century, the Robin shipyard was one of the largest in Eastern Canada.
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Survivor's Stories - Watch the testimonies of Holocaust survivors with the collection of videos
Museums at school
Canadian Museum of History
Themed packages on Canadian history : digitized artifacts, archives, videos, activity suggestions for the classroom
Centre historique des Sœurs de Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Chicoutimi
Learn more about the history of these pionners and take a look at the daily life of the sisters at the farm
Armand-Frappier Museum
The Collections are divided into three: "Armand-Frappier", "Scientific heritage of Dr Frappier" and "Human health"
Musée Beaulne
Come and discover the collections of the Beaulne Museum, estimated at more than 17,000 objects!
Musée POP
The Beginning of a New Era - A virtual exhibition recounting the Quiet Revolution in all its complexity
The Musée de l'accordéon
The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon - A festival that has been thrilling audiences for more than 30 years!
Musée Beaulne
The community of Coaticook and the World Wars - Understanding the local impacts of global history
Musée maritime de Charlevoix
Les Desgagnés: two centuries of schooners - The story of the family who sailed from the Great Lakes to Northern Quebec
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Visit the exhibitions of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts online!
Musée des beaux-arts de Mont-Saint-Hilaire
Visit the virtual exhibition In the House of Paul-Émile Borduas. Discover this jewel of modern architecture!
The Human Side of Lake Saint-Pierre - Get to know this region classified as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO
Paspébiac National Historic Site
The LeBoutillier warehouse, one of the 7 wonders of built heritage in Quebec!
Pôle culturel du Monastère des Ursulines
The Ursuline Monastery recreated in 3D in every detail. Explore it at your leisure!
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Wherever you are, you will find here a variety of cultural offerings to keep you entertained, learning and inspired!
Canadian Museum of History
Explore the architecture of the Museum, discover a mysterious artifact and meet Indigenous architects...
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Discover the museum’s rich collection that gathers over 45,000 works of art!
Musée Beaulne
The Norton Collection of Ancient Glass - Discover the richness of the collection of ancient glass constituted by Harry Norton!
Musée minéralogique de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Boom and Bust in a Mining Village: The Sad Fate of Roc-d’Or - Come discover the real story of Roc-d’Or, a village also known as “Putainville”!
MUMAQ, Le Musée des métiers d’arts du Québec
The MUMAQ – Musée des métiers d’art du Québec invites you to explore its storage vaults in a unique 360-degree experience. Follow an object’s voyage, from its acquisition to its storage, and discover the history of arts and crafts through never-before-exhibited artifacts. These objects are usually inaccessible to the public and protected in this space. Let them tell you their stories.
Droulers-Tsiionhiakwatha Archaeological Site Interpretation Center
The St. Lawrence Iroquoians - The history of the Iroquois told through important archaeological discoveries!
Maison Nivard-De Saint-Dizier, musée et site archéologique
Discover the Verdun Auditorium, an iconic place!
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Interactive maps and timelines to study the Holocaust in its European and global context
Montréal Science Centre
Test your critical thinking skills and identify hoaxes with the game Truth or Lie!
Montreal Holocaust Museum
United Against Genocide - Reflections on ways to go about preventing the reproduction of such a mass crime
MNS2 - Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke
Urban Wildlife, Our Neighbors Animals - Get to know the creatures that surround us!
Maison Nivard-De Saint-Dizier, musée et site archéologique
The exhibition Verdun in Wartime: An Engaged Community explores Verdun’s fascinating history and its outstanding commitment during two global conflicts.
MUMAQ, Le Musée des métiers d’arts du Québec
Vibrations sur fibres 21: Retrospective Paulette-Marie Sauvé - Discover in 360° her imposing work, at the height of her talent
Exporail - The Canadian Railway Museum
Virtual Exporail - An insider's look at the interior of rail vehicles
Pôle culturel du Monastère des Ursulines
This gallery displays some works preserved by the Ursulines. An original way to discover a priceless heritage!
Museums at school
Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex
A series of virtual activities created especially for school groups, including a virtual guided tour of an exhibition and a live discussion hosted by one of the Museum’s qualified guides!
Maison Louis-Cyr
Discover all the details about Louis Cyr, his exploits, his records, his private life, from the comfort of your home!
Redpath Museum
Using StoryMaps, discover the fossils, trees, secret science spots (and more) around the museum.
Musée minéralogique de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Discover the five rooms included in the permanent exhibit in an interactive way.
L'Espace culturel du Quartier
Living as a teenager in a classe d’accueil ? Students tell their stories, from laughs to tears, from humour to profundity.
MEM - Centre des mémoires montréalaises
Living as a teenager in a classe d’accueil ? Students tell their stories, from laughs to tears, from humour to profundity.
Waters of Life - Dive beneath the surface of Lake Saint-Pierre to discover its flora and fauna
Le Monastère des Augustines
400 years of history !
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Witnesses to History, Keepers of Memory - Through portraits and personal objects, discover the remarkable life stories of 30 of Montreal's Holocaust survivors