Material (Physical Description)Definition:
- This field contains the name(s) of the material(s) used in making the object.
Observations:- This field contains the list of materials used in making the object.
- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary.1
Entry rules:- Enter a generic term for the material, followed by a comma, a space and the specific term.
Example | Object Name | cup |
 | Material | metal, gold |
- When you have the same generic term for two specific terms, repeat the generic term before each specific term. Separate the entries by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Object Name | textile fragment |
 | Material | fibre, cotton; fibre, silk |
- When the specific term is unknown, simply enter the generic term.
Example | Object Name | statuette |
 | Material | stone |
- Enter the names of the materials used, from the most predominant to the least predominant. Multiple terms should be separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleRecord for a bark basket stitched with a leather strip | Object Name | basket |
 | Material | bark; skin, leather |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the keyword.
- If the information is missing and no research has been conducted to identify the material, leave this field blank.
- If, even after conducting research, you are unable to identify the material, enter "unknown".
Example | Object Name | container ? |
 | Material | unknown |
- For a standardized list of terms, you can consult Ewing, Calum. Standards for the use of the Material (MA), Technique (MT) and related fields in the Humanities National Database of the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). Ottawa: Canadian Heritage Information Network, 1992.