Site Description (Site Data)Definition:
- This field contains descriptive information on the site not included in other fields.
Observations:- Enter any descriptive information not included in the site or objects fields. This may be information on the current condition of the site (covered, flooded, disturbed), the configuration of traces of settlement (isolated, in groups), a description of the environment (forest, field, urban setting) or the nature of the structures on the site (dam, home, factory).
- Also enter specifications on the dating of the site that cannot be entered in the Site Dates field, for instance the site dating test number.
Example | Site Dates | 2450 ± 65 |
 | Site Description | The site dating laboratory number is GSC-123. |
- Any additional information on the site collection should also be entered in this field.
Entry rule:- Note the information clearly, concisely and consistently.
Example | Site Description | Site disturbed by passage of all-terrain vehicles. Isolated traces of occupation. |