Trademark (Identification)Definition:
- This field contains the trademark of the object.
Observations:- The trademark is the name registered with the Trademarks Office by a manufacturer or dealer, to distinguish its product from those of its competitors.1
- The trademark is generally a proper name beginning with a capital letter, and may be accompanied by one of the following symbols: ® for "Registered," ™ for "Trademark" or MC for "Marque de commerce."
ExampleA Vernois-brand stove | Object Name | stove |
 | Trademark | Vernois |
- The trademark is normally marked on one side of the object. It may also be marked on the nameplate attached to the object.
Entry rules:- Enter the full trademark, making sure to respect the spelling and capitalization as registered by the manufacturer.
- Do not use your own translation.
- When the trademark exists in several languages, including English or French, enter the trademark in the language used to document your collections, regardless of what is marked on the object.
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the keyword.
Example | Trademark | Remington ? |
- If there is no trademark, leave this field blank.
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleAn automobile manufactured by the Suzuki company is marketed
under two registered names, Pontiac and Firefly. | Object Name | automobile |
 | Trademark | Pontiac; Firefly |
| Manufacturer | Suzuki Motor Corporation |
- You can consult the Trade-marks Office to confirm your information. The Canadian Trade-marks Database is accessible through the Website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office ( [Information up to date as of June 20, 2006].