Culture (Origin)Definition:
- This field identifies the culture associated with the object.
Observations:- The Culture field contains the name of the culture associated with the object.
- The term entered in this field should make it possible to situate the object in time and space and associate it with a specific human group. This association is based on its ethnic association, the time, language, region of origin, religion, style or production technique.
- For better search results in your database, avoid using a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names of cultures as necessary.
Entry rules:- Indicate the culture associated with the object using the adjectival form.
Example | Culture | Canadian |
- You can use a generic term followed by a specific term when useful for research. In that case, separate the data by a comma followed by a space.
Example | Culture | African, Dogon |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the name of the culture.
ExampleA knife, probably Paleo-Indian | Object Name | knife |
 | Culture | Paleo-Indian ? |
- If no research has been done to identify the culture associated with the object, leave this field blank.
- If, even after conducting research, you are unable to determine the name of the culture associated with an object, enter "unknown". If necessary, add a comment in the Cataloguer Remarks field.
Example | Object Name | basket |
 | Culture | unknown |
| Cataloguer Remarks | Despite the information provided by the donor in 1929, this basket is not from the Baulé culture. |
- This field may not contain more than one entry.