Manufacturer City (Identification)Definition:
- This field contains the name of the city, village or municipality of the object manufacturer.
Observations:- For better search results in your database, avoid using a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names of cities as necessary. See documentation tip No. 2 (in French only) for bibliographic references.
- This field is used in conjunction with the Manufacturer Country and Manufacturer Province fields.
ExampleA statue manufactured by Burton Inc. of Toronto | Object Name | statue |
| Manufacturer | Burton Inc. |
| Manufacturer Country | Canada |
| Manufacturer Province | Ontario |
 | Manufacturer City | Toronto |
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the city, village or municipality; do not use abbreviations.
ExampleA Canadian plate manufactured in Montreal | Object Name | plate |
| Manufacturer Country | Canada |
| Manufacturer Province | Quebec |
 | Manufacturer City | Montreal |
| and not | | Manufacturer City | Mtl |
- If the name of the manufacturer city has changed, enter its current name followed by a comma and a space, and then the name used at the time the object was manufactured.
ExampleA doll manufactured by Nguyen Inc., in Saigon, known as Ho Chi
Minh City since 1975 | Object Name | doll |
| Manufacturer | Nguyen Inc. |
| Manufacturer Country | Vietnam, South Vietnam |
 | Manufacturer City | Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the name of the city.
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. They should correspond to the entries in the Manufacturer field.
ExampleA statue manufactured by Desmarais & Robitaille of Montreal,
whose base was manufactured by Dussault & Sons of Boston. | Object Name | statue |
| Manufacturer | Desmarais & Robitaille; Dussault & Sons |
| Manufacturer Country | Canada;
United States |
| Manufacturer Province | Quebec; Massachusetts |
 | Manufacturer City | Montreal; Boston |