Acquisition Mode (Source)Definition:
- This field indicates how your institution acquired the object.
Observations:- For better search results from the database, use this field with the following authority list:
An object left to your institution in an individual's will is transferred permanently to your institution.
ExampleJavier Travino left a candlesnuffer to your institution when his will
was read out on October 14, 1978. | Object Name | candlesnuffer |
 | Acquisition Mode | bequest |
| Accession Date | 1978-10-14 |
| Source | Travino, Javier |
A specimen is born in your institution.
An object was placed on deposit with your institution for a limited time, with a view to your acquiring it.
N.B.: It is common practice to use the term "deposit" for an object that has been placed with an institution for an unlimited time, but this is incorrect. In such cases, the appropriate term is "unlimited loan." This information cannot be entered in this field, however, because the object has not been acquired by the institution.
N.B.: "Deposit" is a temporary acquisition mode. If objects have been deposited with your institution for an unspecified duration, acquisition procedures such as purchase or donation should be considered.
ExampleA print by Albert Dumouchel was deposited with your institution
on February 12, 1991, by Francis Dingwall, to be presented at the
next meeting of the acquisitions committee.1
| Object Name | print |
| Artist/Maker | Dumouchel, Albert |
 | Acquisition Mode | deposit |
| Accession Date | 1991-02-12 |
| Source | Dingwall, Francis |
An authority mandated by your institution gathered an object by digging into the ground or looking underwater.
N.B.: Underwater digs do not necessarily mean that the object was recovered from beneath the ground. It may have been freed from the surface under which it was at least partly buried.
A button was acquired on September 18, 1988, during digs carried
out on your institution's property, by an archaeologist working for
your institution.
| Object Name | button |
 | Acquisition Mode | excavation |
| Accession Date | 1988-09-18 |
An object is permanently transferred to your institution from another institution, in exchange for another object.
ExampleYou obtained an anklet on June 20, 1991, from the Jewellery
Museum. In exchange, you gave it an object from your Museum. | Object Name | anklet |
 | Acquisition Mode | exchange |
| Accession Date | 1991-06-20 |
| Source | Jewellery Museum |
An authority mandated by your institution collected the object from the surface or in the water.
This mode is most common for archaeological objects and natural science specimens.
ExampleA gunflint was collected from the surface on May 6, 1985, by an
archaeologist on an excursion organized by your institution on
your land. | Object Name | gunflint |
 | Acquisition Mode | found |
| Accession Date | 1985-05-06 |
An object has been given permanently to your institution.
N.B.: It may be considered a gift even if your institution issues an income tax receipt.
ExampleA Peruvian tapestry was given to your institution on May 27, 1976,
by Joseph and Annie Grant | Object Name | tapestry |
| Originating Country | Peru |
 | Acquisition Mode | gift |
| Accession Date | 1976-05-27 |
| Source | Grant, Annie; Grant, Joseph |
integration of art and architecture
A work of art was acquired by your institution as part of the policy on integrating art with architecture and the environment in public buildings. Under this legislation, part of the construction budget for a public building (1 %) should go toward having a work of art created by a visual artist from Quebec.
A painting was done for the entrance to the new wing of your
institution by Michael Lawrence, on June 4, 1988, under the "1 %
| Object Name | painting |
| Artist/Maker | Lawrence, Michael |
 | Acquisition Mode | integration of art and architecture |
| Accession Date | 1988-06-04 |
The object was obtained by your institution in exchange for payment.
ExampleA stained-glass window by Marcelle Ferron was obtained by your
institution at a sale on November 21, 1990 from its owner,
Christian Courval. | Object Name | stained-glass window |
| Artist/Maker | Ferron, Marcelle |
 | Acquisition Mode | purchase |
| Accession Date | 1990-11-21 |
| Source | Courval, Christian |
staff commissioned
An object was commissioned by your institution and produced by one or more individuals working for the institution.
ExampleAn exhibition display case was executed in 1910 by Wilfrid
Castonguay, the architect who designed the building housing your
institution. The display case is now part of your permanent
collection. | Object Name | display case |
 | Acquisition Mode | staff commissioned |
| Accession Date | 1910 |
An object is permanently transferred from another institution to yours, or from the consolidated fonds of your institution to your collections.
ExampleA commode, from the consolidated fonds of the congregation of
the Sisters of Providence, was transferred to the decorative arts
collection of your institution from the Museum of the Sisters of
Providence on February 20, 1989. | Object Name | commode |
 | Acquisition Mode | transfer |
| Accession Date | 1989-02-20 |
| Source | Congregation of the Sisters of Providence |
Acquisition mode impossible to determine, even following research.
ExampleDespite all your research, you cannot determine how your
institution acquired a map made by Jodocus Hondius the Elder.
Nonetheless, you know that the object came to your institution in
1968. | Object Name | map |
| Artist/Maker | Hondius, Jodocus, the Elder |
 | Acquisition Mode | unknown |
| Accession Date | 1968 |
| Source | unknown |
- This field is used in conjunction with the Accession Date and Source fields.
ExampleA prie-Dieu given to your institution by Paul Ranger on February
9, 1924 | Object Name | prie-Dieu |
 | Acquisition Mode | gift |
| Accession Date | 1924-02-09 |
| Source | Ranger, Paul |
Entry rules:- Enter the full acquisition mode of the object; do not use abbreviations.
ExampleA doll bequeathed by Henriette Laurier on March 14, 1982 | Object Name | doll |
 | Acquisition Mode | bequest |
| Accession Date | 1982-03-14 |
| Source | Laurier, Henriette |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the keyword.
ExampleA barometer, probably purchased, in your collections since 1919. | Object Name | barometer |
 | Acquisition Mode | purchase ? |
| Accession Date | 1919 |
| Source | unknown |
- This field may not contain more than one entry.
- If the object is acquired, the information in the Acquisition Mode field must
be updated. Otherwise, the print will be returned to its owner.