Patent Country (Identification)Definition:
- This field contains the name of the country in which the patent was issued.
Observations:- For better search results in your database, avoid using a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names of countries as necessary. See documentation tip No. 2 (in French only) for bibliographic references.
- This field is used in conjunction with the Patent Number and Patent Date fields.
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the country; do not use abbreviations.
Example | Patent Country | United States |
| and not | | Patent Country | U.S.A. |
- If the name of the patent country has changed, enter its current name followed by a comma and a space, and then the name used at the time the patent was issued.
ExampleA motor is marked with patent number 65878, dated August 29,
1954. This patent number was issued by the Patent Office of the
German Democratic Republic, today part of Germany. | Object Name | motor |
| Patent Number | 65878 |
| Patent Date | 1954-08-29 |
 | Patent Country | Germany, German Democratic Republic |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. They should be entered in the order in which they appear on the nameplate and correspond to the entries in the Patent Number field.
ExampleA voltage transformer was manufactured using three patented
parts. Two of them were patented in the United States and one in
Canada: 2356874, June 14, 1896, 502804, January 22, 1898 and
2487548, October 4, 1899. | Object Name | voltage transformer |
| Patent Number | 2356874; 502804; 2487548 |
| Patent Date | 1896-06-14; 1898-01-22; 1899-10-04 |
 | Patent Country | United States; Canada; United States |