Title Variation (Identification)Definition:
- This field contains variations in the title assigned to the object.
Observation:- This field may contain historical titles or titles in other languages.
ExampleA painting by Charles-François Daubigny, entitled Lever de lune à
Auvers, is also known as Le Retour du troupeau.
| Object Name | painting |
| Artist/Maker | Daubigny, Charles-François |
| Title | Lever de lune à Auvers |
 | Title Variation | Le Retour du troupeau |
Entry rules:- Enter the entire title variation; do not use abbreviations.
- Follow the same capitalization rules as for the Title field.
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleA painting by William Roberts Goodridge, entitled Portrait de Flora,
is also known as Little Girl in Turquoise and Petite Fille en turquoise.
| Object Name | painting |
| Artist/Maker | Goodridge, William Roberts |
| Title | Portrait de Flora |
 | Title Variation | Little Girl in Turquoise; Petite Fille en turquoise |