Use Province (Origin)Definition:
- This field contains the name of the province where the object was used.
Observations:- This field may also contain the name of a Canadian territory, an American state, a British county, a Swiss canton, a French department, a Japanese prefecture or any other equivalent of the term "province."
- N.B.: Do not confuse the Use Province field with the Originating Province field. The Use Province field indicates the name of the province where the object was used, whereas the Originating Province field indicates the name of the province where it was produced.
ExampleA dress made in the Hauts-de-Seine department of France and
used in Louisiana | Object Name | dress |
| Originating Continent | Europe |
| Originating Country | France |
| Originating Province | Hauts-de-Seine |
| Use Continent | North America |
| Use Country | United States |
 | Use Province | Louisiana |
- For better search results in your database, avoid using a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names of provinces as necessary. See documentation tip No. 2 (in French only) for bibliographic references.
- This field is used in conjunction with the Use Continent and Use Country fields.
ExampleA tablecloth used in Liguria | Object Name | tablecloth |
| Use Continent | Europe |
| Use Country | Italy |
 | Use Province | Liguria |
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the province; do not use abbreviations.
Example | Use Province | British Columbia |
| and not | | Use Province | B.C. |
- If the name of the use province has changed, first enter its current name, followed by a comma and a space, then the name that applied at the time the object was used.
ExampleA scraper used in the eastern part of the Northwest Territories,
now called Nunavut | Object Name | scraper |
| Use Continent | North America |
| Use Country | Canada |
 | Use Province | Nunavut, Northwest Territories |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the name of the province.
Example | Use Province | Valais ? |
- This field may contain several entries, since an object may have been used in more than one province over the years—for instance if it belonged to someone who moved from one province to another. The names of the provinces should then be entered in chronological order, beginning with the most recent. Entries should be separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleA spade used in Manitoba and later in Ontario | Object Name | spade |
| Use Continent | North America |
| Use Country | Canada |
 | Use Province | Ontario; Manitoba |