Originating Geological Province (Site/Habitat/Origin)Definition:
- This field contains the name of the geological province where the specimen originated.
Observation:- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names as necessary. For Canadian geological provinces, you may use the following authority list:1
Cordilleran Orogen |
Churchill |
Appalachian Orogen |
Grenville |
Orogen |
Bear |
Arctic Continental Shelf |
Nain |
Atlantic Continental Shelf |
Slave |
Pacific Continental Shelf |
Superior |
Hudson Bay Platform |
Southern |
Arctic Platform |
Interior Platform |
St. Lawrence Platform |
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the originating geological province, without inverting it; do not use abbreviations.
ExampleA cassiterite specimen from the Appalachian Orogen in New
Brunswick | Discipline | mineralogy |
| Species | cassiterite |
| Originating Continent | North America |
 | Originating Geological Province | Appalachian Orogen |
| Originating Country | Canada |
| Originating Province | New Brunswick |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. If you know the subdivision, enter a semicolon and a space after the name of the province, and then the name of the sub-province.
ExampleRecord for a basalt sample from the sub-province of Pontiac, one of
the subdivisions of the Superior Province, in Quebec | Discipline | petrology |
| Rock Name | basalt |
 | Originating Geological Province | Superior Province; Pontiac |
| Originating Province | Quebec |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the originating geological province.
Example | Originating Geological Province | Bear Province ? |
- NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA. Geological Provinces, The Atlas of Canada Website, (http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/environment/geology/geologicalprovinces/1/maptext_view), [Information up to date as of June 20, 2006].