Subspecies (Taxonomy)Definition:
- This field contains the scientific name of the subspecies to which the specimen has been assigned.
Observation:- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add names as necessary.
Entry rules:- Enter the full name; do not use abbreviations.
Example | Discipline | zoology |
| Genus | Lutra |
| Species | canadensis |
 | Subspecies | lataxina |
- In accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature, the first letter of the taxon is lower case.
Example | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Galbalcyrhynchus |
| Species | leucotis |
 | Subspecies | leucotis |
- Do not enter the word "subspecies" before the name of the subspecies.
Example | Subspecies | papuensis |
| and not | | Subspecies | subspecies papuensis |
- If the specimen includes several subspecies, enter each of the names, followed by a semicolon and a space.
Example | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Buteo |
| Species | jamaicensis |
 | Subspecies | abieticola; borealis |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the name.
Example | Subspecies | acadicus ? |
- If you know that the specimen comes from a subspecies and you have not identified the subspecies, enter "ssp".
Example | Discipline | zoology |
| Genus | Lutra |
| Species | canadensis |
 | Subspecies | ssp |