Object Sub-category (Identification)Definition:
- This field contains the second level of classification of the object.
Observations:- This field is used to group objects more precisely. It is to be used in conjunction with the Object Category field.
- The contents of the Object Sub-category field depend on the contents of the Object Category field.
- To identify the sub-category
to which the object belongs, refer to the Info-Muse classification systems.1
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the sub-category, making sure to respect the spelling prescribed by the sub-category lists in the classification systems.
- This field may contain up to two entries, separated by a semicolon followed by a space. The data should be entered in the same order as for the Object Category field.
Example | Object Category | Communication Artifacts; Furnishings |
 | Object Sub-category | Ceremonial Artifact; Lighting Device |
| Object Name | mosque lamp |
- If two sub-categories are part of the same category, it is not necessary to enter the category name more than once.
Example | Object Category | Communication Artifacts |
 | Object Sub-category | Documentary Artifact; Ceremonial Artifact |
| Object Name | monument |