Site Research Activity (Site Data)Definition:
- This field identifies the various types of archaeological activities that have taken place at the site.
Observations:- This field describes the research activities at the site.
- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary. You can use the following authority list, based on the one drawn up by the Quebec Department of culture and communications (MCCQ)1 for its inventory of archaeological sites:
geophysical reconnaissance (resistivity test)
salvage excavation
visual identification - This field is used in conjunction with the Research Date and Site Researcher fields.
Entry rules:- Enter a keyword from the authority list above.
- This field will contain several entries if several research activities have taken place on the site at different dates. Since the earliest date is the most important, enter the most recent data at the end of the field. Entries should be separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleA site discovered by Alberto Riviera in 1965 was collected by John
Granger in 1966 and tests were conducted by the same person on
August 29, 1967.  | Site Research Activity | discovery/sampling; collection; test |
| Research Date | 1965; 1966; 1967-08-29 |
| Site Researcher | Riviera, Alberto; Granger, John; Granger, John |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the keyword.
ExampleA site probably visually identified in 1973 by Marie Silverberg  | Site Research Activity | visual identification ? |
| Research Date | 1973 |
| Site Researcher | Silverberg, Marie ? |
- Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (MCCQ), Inventaire des sites archéologiques au Québec (ISAQ).