Research Date (Site Data)Definition:
- This field contains the date on which research activity began on the site.
Observation:- This field is used in conjunction with the Site Research Activity and Site Researcher fields.
ExampleA site evaluated by Bernard Armoudian on July 8, 1989, and where
tests were conducted by Julie Bresciano on May 24, 1990 | Site Research Activity | evaluation; test |
 | Research Date | 1989-07-08; 1990-05-24 |
| Site Researcher | Armoudian, Bernard; Bresciano, Julie |
Entry rules:- Enter the year of the activity in the form YYYY (Y for "year").
Example | Research Date | 1956 |
- If the month and day of the activity are known, enter the information in the form YYYY dash MM dash DD, in numbers only (Y for "year," M for "month," D for "day").
ExamplePietro Battalio visually identified a site on March 26, 1957. | Site Research Activity | visual identification |
 | Research Date | 1957-03-26 |
| Site Researcher | Battalio, Pietro |
- This field will contain several entries if there have been several research activities. Since the earliest activity is the most important, enter the most recent data at the end of the field. Entries should be separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
ExampleTests and initial excavations were done at the site by Babeeta
Chabra on April 29, 1989, and more excavations were done by
Chabra starting May 15, 1990. | Site Research Activity | test/excavation; excavation |
 | Research Date | 1989-04-29; 1990-05-15 |
| Site Researcher | Chabra, Babeeta; Chabra, Babeeta |
- If you know that research activities took place on a site before a certain date, enter this date, a space and the abbreviation "P" for "prior to."
Several objects from the same site were acquired by your
institution before 1957. You therefore assume that excavations were
conducted at the site prior to 1957.
| Site Research Activity | excavation ? |
 | Research Date | 1957 P |
| Site Researcher | unknown |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the date.
ExampleA site excavated by Albert Mukele, probably in 1895 | Site Research Activity | excavation |
 | Research Date | 1895 ? |
| Site Researcher | Mukele, Albert |
- If you are unable to determine the date despite your research, enter "unknown".
ExampleA site excavated on an unknown date by an unknown researcher | Site Research Activity | excavation |
 | Research Date | unknown |
| Site Researcher | unknown |