Site Collections (Site Data)Definition:
- This field contains the name given to the collections of objects from the site.
Observations:- This field contains the name given by your institution to a collection or lot of objects from a site.
A site was excavated in 1973 and in 1974 by Suzanne Takanashi.
Prehistoric objects and historic objects were taken from the site.
You decided that this criterion would be used to define the
| Site Research Activity | excavation; excavation |
| Research Date | 1973; 1974 |
 | Site Collections | prehistoric; historic |
| Site Researcher | Takanashi, Susan; Takanashi, Susan |
| Site Description | Data in the Site Collections field do not correspond with data in the Research Date field. |
- This field may also contain the names of objects found on a site, provided that there are not many.
Entry rules:- Enter the names of the different collections found on the site; do not use abbreviations.
- If several lots or collections come from the same site, separate the names with a semicolon followed by a space. Then, in the Site Description field, indicate whether these data correspond to the dates in the Research Date field. List the collections in chronological order, beginning with the name of the oldest collection.
Objects found on a site were given to your institution by Alice
Ireland in 1945. These objects are known as the "Ireland collection"
at your institution. Gerard McDonald later collected objects from
this same site in 1951. The objects collected were once again given
to your institution and constitute the "McDonald collection."
| Site Research Activity | discovery/sampling; collection |
| Research Date | 1945; 1951 |
 | Site Collections | Ireland; McDonald |
| Site Description | The data in the Site Collections field correspond with the dates in the Research Date field. |
- To enter the names of objects found on the site, enter the names in the singular form, followed by a space and the quantity in parentheses, if greater than 1. Separate entries by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Site Collections | blade; sherd (3) |