Age/Stage (Specimen/Description)Definition:
- This field contains a term describing the age or the stage in the development or life cycle of the specimen.
Observation:- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary. You can use this authority list, adopted by the members of the CHIN natural science working group:
adult |
juvenile |
undetermined |
ammocoete |
larva |
unknown |
cyst |
neonate |
vesicle |
egg |
newborn |
yearling |
embryo |
polyp |
young |
immature |
subadult |
Entry rules:- Enter the full term describing the developmental stage of the specimen; do not use abbreviations.
Example | Discipline | mammalogy |
| Genus | Peromyscus |
| Species | maniculatus |
 | Age/Stage | undetermined |
- You can enter more specific data on the age of the specimen after the keyword. Enter the keyword, followed by a space and the information in parentheses.
Example | Discipline | mammalogy |
| Genus | Odocoileus |
| Species | hemionus |
 | Age/Stage | immature (6 months) |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Circus |
| Species | cyaneus |
 | Age/Stage | young; yearling |