Specimen Nature (Specimen/Description)Definition:
- This field contains keywords describing the nature of the specimen.
Observations:- This field contains keywords describing the physical nature of the specimen, such as an anatomical part making up the specimen.
Example | Specimen Nature | wing |
- This field also contains keywords describing the technique used to conserve the specimen.
Example | Specimen Nature | naturalized |
- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary. You can use the following authority list, based on the one established by the CHIN natural sciences working group:
aggregate |
enamel/dentine |
mix |
scrapbook |
altered |
entire specimen |
model |
section |
antler |
feather |
mold |
sediment |
artificial |
fibre |
moults |
seed |
block |
flower |
mummy |
SEM prep |
bone |
fold |
nail |
shell |
branch |
fossil |
naturalized |
sight |
cabochon |
fragment |
nest |
skeleton |
carapace |
fruit |
nodule |
skin |
carcass |
geode |
organ |
skull |
cast |
hair |
osteoderm |
slab |
chips |
head |
other |
slice |
claw |
horn |
packet |
slide |
cleared |
keratine |
part of anatomy |
stained |
compound |
layer |
partial |
stalactite |
concentrate |
leaf |
photograph |
stalagmite |
concretion |
limb |
pinned |
stem |
core |
liquid |
plastron |
stone |
crust |
lithic |
pressed |
synthetic |
crystal |
live |
rattles |
test |
cut |
macrofossil |
residue |
tooth |
discard |
mandible |
rock |
vein |
druse |
massif |
rosette |
viscera |
dry |
microfossil |
scales |
wing |
ear |
mineral |
scat |
wire |
egg |
Entry rules:- You may need to follow the keyword with information not included in this list. If so, enter the keyword followed by a space and the information in parentheses.
Example | Discipline | mycology |
| Genus | Coprinus |
| Species | micaceus |
 | Specimen Nature | partial (cap) |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Discipline | mycology |
| Genus | Morchella |
| Species | esculenta |
 | Specimen Nature | liquid; partial |