Specimen Collection (Specimen/Description)Definition:
- This field describes the type of collection or type of group to which the specimen has been assigned.
Observations:- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary. Here is an example of an authority list:
demonstration collection |
educational collection |
endangered species |
extinct species |
rare species |
reference collection |
research collection |
- This field may be used to indicate that a specimen is part of a group.
Entry rules:- Enter a keyword describing the contents of the collection, in keeping with the list established by your institution.
Example | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Gavia |
| Species | immer |
 | Specimen Collection | educational collection |
- When you want to indicate that a specimen belongs to a group, simply enter the accession number of the first and last specimens in the group in the Specimen Collection field. Enter the first accession number, followed by a space, "to", another space and the last accession number.
Example 1
Record for a tennantile specimen (1994.30.2) that is part of a set of
twelve specimens numbered from 1994.30.1 to 1994.30.12
| Accession Number | 1994.30.2 |
| Discipline | mineralogy |
| Species | tennantile |
 | Specimen Collection | 1994.30.1 to 1994.30.12 |
Example 2Record for a stellata specimen (2000.8.10) that is part of a lot of
twenty specimens numbered from 2000.8.1 to 2000.8.20 | Accession Number | 2000.8.10 |
| Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Gavia |
| Species | stellata |
 | Specimen Collection | lot 2000.8.1 to 2000.8.20 |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Discipline | botany |
| Genus | Allium |
| Species | tricoccum |
 | Specimen Collection | reference collection; endangered species |