Source Credit (Source)Definition:
- This field contains the credit or acknowledgement for the source referring to the person or organization who owned the specimen before it was acquired by your institution.
Observations:- The source credit includes the exact wording to be used whenever the specimen is presented in public, for instance when it is displayed in an exhibition or reproduced in a publication.
ExampleFernand Martin gave a naturalized white-tailed deer to your
institution on July 21, 1976. He wants the credit to read as follows:
"Gift of Fernand Martin in memory of his father Henry Martin." | Discipline | mammalogy |
| Genus | Odocoileus |
| Species | virginianus |
| Acquisition Mode | gift |
| Accession Date | 1976-07-21 |
| Source | Martin, Fernand |
 | Source Credit | Gift of Fernand Martin in memory of his father Henry Martin. |
- N.B.: It is important not to confuse the Source Credit and Source fields. The Source Credit field contains only non-confidential information on the source. The Source field contains protected information that is often not to be disclosed.
ExampleSharon Lieberman, who gave a naturalized scrub jay to your
institution on June 3, 1992, wishes to remain anonymous. | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Aphelocoma |
| Species | coerulescens |
| Acquisition Mode | gift |
| Accession Date | 1992-06-03 |
| Source | Lieberman, Sharon |
 | Source Credit | Anonymous gift |
Entry rules:- Enter the exact wording to be used whenever the specimen is presented in public, for instance when it is displayed in an exhibition or reproduced in a publication.
ExampleRichard Fleischer gave a naturalized reindeer to your institution
on July 26, 1995. In the gift agreement, he stipulated that "Ph.D." is
to appear next to his name whenever the work is presented or
reproduced. | Discipline | mammalogy |
| Genus | Rangifer |
| Species | tarandus |
| Specimen Common Name | reindeer |
| Acquisition Mode | gift |
| Accession Date | 1995-07-26 |
| Source | Fleischer, Richard |
 | Source Credit | Gift of Richard Fleischer, Ph.D. |
- This field may not contain more than one entry.