Habitat/Locality Remarks (Site/Habitat/Origin)Definition:
- This field contains remarks concerning the habitat and originating locality of the specimen.
Observation:- Remarks fields are for information that cannot be entered in any other field.
Example | Discipline | botany |
| Genus | Elymus |
| Species | arenarius |
| Originating Country | Canada |
| Habitat/Gross Cover | maritime shore |
 | Habitat/Locality Remarks | The beach is sandy. |
Entry rule:- Note the information clearly, concisely and consistently.
Example | Discipline | mycology |
| Genus | Marasmius |
| Species | oreades |
| Habitat/Gross Cover | pasture |
 | Habitat/Locality Remarks | The specimen was part of a "fairy ring" 1.54 m in diameter. |