Habitat/Gross Cover (Site/Habitat/Origin)Definition:
- This field contains a description of the nature of the environment where the specimen was collected.
Observation:- Enter a description of the terrestrial or aquatic vegetation, a description of the place inhabited by the specimen, identification of the geological environment, influential external factors, etc.
Example 1 | Discipline | mammalogy |
| Genus | Balaena |
| Species | mysticetus |
 | Habitat/Gross Cover | pack ice |
Example 2 | Discipline | mineralogy |
| Species | chrysotile |
 | Habitat/Gross Cover | serpentinite |
Entry rules:- Enter terms describing the habitat where the specimen was collected.
Example | Discipline | ornithology |
| Genus | Vireo |
| Species | atricapillus |
 | Habitat/Gross Cover | oak forest |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.
Example | Discipline | mycology |
| Genus | Auricularia |
| Species | auricula |
 | Habitat/Gross Cover | dead wood; deciduous |