Lithostratigraphic Unit (Site/Habitat/Origin)Definition:
- This field contains the name of the lithostratigraphic level of the specimen.
Observations:- The smallest lithostratrigraphic unit corresponds to a bed, followed by a member, formation and group.
- Some lithostratigraphic units may be the equivalent of a group or formation, even if their names do not include the relevant term.
ExampleRecord for a shale specimen, a rock collected in the Appalachian
Orogen geological province, and from the Sandstone unit of
Colline Bunker in Quebec | Discipline | petrology |
| Rock Name | shale |
| Originating Continent | North America |
| Originating Geological Province | Appalachian Orogen |
| Originating Country | Canada |
| Originating Province | Quebec |
 | Lithostratigraphic Unit | Sandstone from Colline Bunker |
- This field may also contain details on the geological unit.
- For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary.1
Entry rules:- Enter the full name of the lithostratigraphic unit; do not use abbreviations.
ExampleA Rostricellula plena fossil from the de Chazy Group in Quebec | Discipline | paleontology |
| Genus | Rostricellula |
| Species | plena |
| Originating Continent | North America |
| Originating Country | Canada |
| Originating Province | Quebec |
 | Lithostratigraphic Unit | de Chazy Group |
- This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. Entries should be in decreasing hierarchical order.
A basalt specimen from the Beauparlant Formation, Povungnituk
Group, Churchill Province.2
| Discipline | petrology |
| Rock Name | basalt |
| Originating Continent | North America |
| Originating Geological Province | Churchill |
| Originating Country | Canada |
| Originating Province | Quebec |
 | Lithostratigraphic Unit | Povungnituk Group; Beauparlant Formation |
- If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the lithostratigraphic unit.
- You can consult GLOBENSKY, Yvon et al. Lexique stratigraphique canadien. Volume V-B: région des Appalaches, des Basses-Terres du Saint-Laurent et des îles de la Madeleine. Quebec City : Gouvernement du Québec/Ministère de l'énergie et des ressources and Direction générale de l'exploration géologique et minérale, 1993, 327 p.
- Specimen described by Daniel Lamothe, a geologist with the ministère de
l'Énergie et des Ressources of Québec and co-author of Géologie du Québec.
Quebec City: Les Publications du Québec, 1994, 154 p.