Forum 3 - Museological Trends in Quebec (épuisé/sold out)
Côté, Michel (éditeur) ; Porter, John R. ; Coupet, André ; Dufresne, Sylvie ; et al. Forum 3 - Museological Trends in Quebec. Coll.: Muséo. Montréal: Société des musées québécois ; Québec : Musée de la civilisation ; Parcs Canada, 1992, 154 pages. ISBN : 2-89172-059-8 ; 2-551-12934-6
Eleven museology professionals examine the relationships established between museums and their environment. Among the topics discussed: social trends, the function of the museum, the museum going public, the "other" as represented in the discourse of the history museum, "identity museums," regional practices, etc. Also includes discussions on specific museums such as the Biodôme and Nicolet's Musée des religions. Also published in French (out of print) and Spanish.
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